A downloadable game for Windows

* U N D E R    C O N S T R U C T I O N *

If you've found this page, that most likely means you know the old Toilet Paper Building game

This is the complete remake of that game

I thought it smart to do it before I dragged the game to lengths unrecoverable

I'm still very uncertain whether to use the high quality graphics or not...

What you see is just a preview for the sake of development

But feedback is still greatly appreciated ;)



windows 40 MB

Install instructions

Download itch.io app

to help you easily download, install and eventually update the game if it interests you

Or just download the game from this page :) ↑

Download and extract .zip file using windows built-in feature or other software

Now you can play simply by opening TPBG.exe located in unzipped folder

Development log


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i love this lol :)))


I love you too man

Bibble. 420:69

Love thy commentor