Or not

You might not have waited for any update

But here it is

OBJECT VARIANTS (and a construction menu)

Yeah, I know, finally

You no longer need to press E or Q to switch between construction pieces, in addition to NEW OBJECT VARIANTS

new packages

With these beautiful new variants of the original 4x2x3 packaged toilet paper you can fill in those annoying corners without getting gaps using the new 3x2x3 packaged toilet paper, or maybe even the 3x3x3 packaged toilet paper if you really miss Minecraft even though this game obviously is much better (especially with the new 3x3x3 piece)


indeed, I have sinned

your eyes do not deceive you even though you want them to. that is a paper towel

for those of you who now wonder why it is so bad, let me tell you

The toilet paper roll has a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 9 cm

the towel is 10cm*20cm

yes, that does mean you cannot build with paper towels in the same grid as toilet paper rolls, but you can finally build with a brick-like structure if you rotate them sideways (which you cannot do with the roll, due to it's stupid dimensions)

construction menu?

yes, construction menu

no need to scroll through categories and variants using Q and E anymore

all you need to do now is press TAB and choose the desired object to build with

I believe that's all for today's devlog

lol the towels look like dry yeast

have a great day and an even greater week my dudes :)

see you with another update the coming Friday (and/or Sunday)

Files 72 MB
Feb 20, 2022

Get Toilet Paper Building

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